Friday, June 1, 2012

June is Gaming Month on the Six Nations Numeracy Blog

Having recently "attended" a BrainPOP webinar on Video Games and Learning/Teaching, I learned more in an hour than you could imagine.  Since we are entering the final home stretch of the school year and June is just chalk full of prime teaching, re-teaching, and experimenting with teaching time, I am going to steer a bit away from the math focus (though gaming is DEFINITELY a great way to learn math--see my earlier posts on Lure of the Labyrinth, or click the link on the sidebar) and share a number of websites from the webinar that were recommended by teachers and researchers.  Some of the sites are games for kids to play, while others are more info on gaming and teaching, or even sites where students can create games.


Oh yeah, since this all started with BrainPOP, I figure we should make the GAME UP section of BrainPOP the first link to share.  I learned tonight that we don't need a subscription to BrainPOP (though we DO have one district wide, I'm led to believe) to access the GAME UP section, so students can access these anytime.  There are also direct links to the BrainPOP movies that the games relate to, which can be viewed in the game window itself.  There are also lesson plans to go along with the games.  Think about using this in June with integrated lesson plans in the fall.

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