Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Texting Figures

Here are some stats from a study on teenage texting. For the full article, click here.

Even though most schools treat the phone as something to be contained and regulated, teens are nevertheless still texting frequently in class.

•12% of all students say they can have their phone at school at any time.
•62% of all students say they can have their phone in school, just not in class.
•24% of teens attend schools that ban all cell phones from school grounds.
•Still, 65% of cell-owning teens at schools that completely ban phones bring their phones to school every day.
•58% of cell-owning teens at schools that ban phones have sent a text message during class.
•43% of all teens who take their phones to school say they text in class at least once a day or more.
•64% of teens with cell phones have texted in class; 25% have made or received a call during class time.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em?

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