Thursday, April 22, 2010

Caribou Contest Results

Yesterday, Six Nations students wrote the Brock University Caribou Math Contest for grades 5 and 6. We had an outstanding participation rate, with three schools entering 32 students. They should all be proud of their effort and willingness to compete.

Overall, the province had just shy of a thousand students involved in the contest. Our students ranked as high as 404th. The top 5 students in our district ranked 404th, 443rd, 474th, 493rd, and 502nd. All students will receive either a Certificate of Merit (which shows their ranking at a provincial level, district level, and school level) OR a Certificate of Participation.

We applaud all of those who participated and encourage future involvement in academic competitions. Thanks to all the grade 5 and 6 math teachers who have registered throughout the year. Your dedication to offering unique opportunities for the students to show their mathematical skills and knowledge is inspiring and motivating. Grades 3 and 4 students still have another opportunity to write the Caribou Contest on the 19th of May.

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